Professional ways to earn money online. All you have to do to make money online is set aside some time to browse over the list, and I'm confident you'll find one or two excellent ideas. Earn an Affiliate Commission by Creating a Website Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to earn real money online. Affiliate marketing is used by 81 percent of companies and 84 percent of publishers, and this trend is expected to continue as affiliate marketing spending in the United States rises year after year. Do you have any idea what affiliate marketing is? It's a way to make money by advertising different brands. You're marketing a variety of items, including products, services, apps, software, and more. Companies pay you a commission when a customer buys anything with your link. You may believe that the commission will be tiny, but this is not the case. It can be, but the key difference is that you can be an affiliate for one, two, three, or ...